The event, organized by Swissolar and SvizzeraEnergia, on the occasion of the "Days of the Sun" in Switzerland on current issues in the solar energy sector, was aimed at solar professionals and Swissolar associates, but also at other professionals and others concerned. The event was attended by more than 70 people and many speakers, representatives of the Cantonal Institutions, and of the Federal Office of Energy and Swissolar.
On this day, various topical issues related to the installation of solar systems in buildings were presented, including: current market aspects, framework conditions, federal and cantonal incentives, particular technical aspects of photovoltaics and solar thermal energy, self-consumption, quality of photovoltaic modules and systems, architectural integration and safety aspects.
Within the event, SUPSI presented the research project Interreg V-A, "BiPV meets History" to introduce the issue linked to the integration of solar systems in historic buildings and the potential for energy restoration of existing buildings. Many companies from the photovoltaic sector also took part in the meeting, including representatives of project partners: Sunage SA and TicinoEnergia and also of GreenKey Sgal.
Find more details on the Swissolar website.