The following results and deliverables are allocated to the four subtasks:

Subtask A -- Knowledge Base

R1 -- Knowledge base as online database of Best Practice Cases (D.A1 & D.A3)
R2 -- Assessment report (DA.2)
R3 -- SubTask Report with management issues

SubTask B -- Multidisciplinary planning process

R1 -- Assessment of existing tools in form of a report with “fact sheets”
R2 -- Proposal for standard improvement and an informative annex
R3 -- Platform with tools for holistic historic building retrofit
R4 -- SubTask Report with management issues

SubTask C -- Conservation compatible retrofit solutions

R1 -- Report on Solutions (Part 1: windows, Part 2, insulation, Part 3, HVAC with ventilation and solar)
R2 -- Report on Strategies
R3 -- SubTask Report with management issues

SubTask D -- Knowledge transfer and dissemination

R1 -- Website & news
R2 -- Touring exhibition
R3 -- Workshop series in conjunction with the six-monthly expert meetings and relevant conferences
R4 -- Report on participation in stakeholder events and their feedback
R5 -- Papers in scientific journals and articles in trade magazines
R6 -- SubTask Report with management issues